Paint Drying [Story Premise Worksheet]

Jul 23, 2023

#fiction #fanfic #the-owl-house #draft #writing


Place: The school’s classroom hall for Vee/Masha’s grade

Time: The start of the school day, before first period

Main Character

Name: Vee

Background: Interdimensional space noodle who is having her first day of human school! She’s very excited! (≧▽≦)

What do they want: To fit in amongst the humans and have a fun day at school.


Name: Vee

Relationship to MC: She is her own enemy.

Background: Imposter “human” who is worried everyone will notice she isn’t like them and be afraid of her.

What do they want: To hide away and not face all these people.


What is happening at the start of the story: Masha and Vee are in the hallway of classrooms, and a wall has been painted as part of the school maintenance efforts.

Inciting Event

What event introduces the main conflict: Masha jokingly tells Vee that she should watch the paint dry to make sure nothing happens to it, but Vee takes this seriously. Human paint could do something, she doesn’t know.


How do the characters react to the inciting event: Vee grabs a chair and sits down to watch the paint dry.

What sustains the conflict: Vee struggles to keep herself focused, her mind wanting to wonder about how exciting, and then how stressful her first day of school could be.

What are the stakes: This is Vee’s first day! She is going to miss the first ever class period, what kind of impression will that set? Hopefully the teacher will understand. Hopefully the other kids like her. Maybe nobody notices the monster she is.

What choice must the hero make: She must accept that she is who she is, and make the best of her situation. She’s going to try to have the best first day possible. Just act natural and everything should be okay. The few kids she was around at camp seemed to like her okay.

Elevator Pitch

Summarize the story in 2-3 sentences: Vee goes on her first day of school, but she gets tasked by a friend to watch a wall of paint dry. Finding this difficult, she goes on a mental journey through her fears.